Malayang Anyo
Tao of Malayang Anyo
Tao of Malayang Anyo
I The Non-Sticky Mind
II The Martial Artist as a Healer
III The Martial Arts as a Creative Endeavor
IV Website review
V Selected Published Articles
VI Print and Web Artworks
VII Freelance
VIII Links

Tao of Malayang Anyo (Free Form)


Malayang Anyo begins with physical training since everyone can relate to the concept of movement that is a natural instinct of man. The practice of martial arts is like a deep pond, you can dive into it and it's up to you to decide whatever depth you wanted to reach. Malayang Anyo adapts the same philosophical stance. If the individual wants to use the movements of arnis as an aesthetic expression, so be it. On the other hand if he or she want to take the art to a combative or philosophical level, again, it is up to the individual to decide. Malayang Anyo aims to meet the practitioner's need according to his level of awareness and personal outlook or preferences. The physical training includes breathing exercises, stretching and calisthenics; all of these designed to increase total body awareness and natural mobility. Arnis as taught by Malayang Anyo gives heavy emphasis on the 12 basic angles of attack, economical structure, power stroking as well as empty hand close quarter battle (CQB) skills. To achieve an overall balanced development Malayang Anyo encourages its practitioners to explore other avenues outside of martial arts such as the visual and healing arts. So what Malayang Anyo is all about? It is all about awakening and harnessing one's creativity to evolve as an individual. It is a learning environment where both traditional and modern martial arts concepts are respected.   It is an environment where the yin of the fine arts and healing arts compliments the yang of the martial arts. It is an environment where creativity is upheld without sacrificing functionality. Most importantly, Malayang Anyo does not pretend to teach any ultimate secret, martial or otherwise. All that it hope to accomplish is help an individual realize his full potential and use it to nurture the world and glorify God.


Perry Gil S. Mallari     
